
14 Simple Writing Tips for Fiction Writers

1. Know how to differentiate between 'I am/I'm/am' & 'too/to/two' 2. Stop switching possessives with contractions. Know best how to differentiate between denotations and connotations 3. 'There/Their/They’re’ & 'Where/Were/Where're' are words you shouldn't mix their usage 4.  Active always win passive. And weak words deserves elimination if you want to show and not tell 5. Hyphen, semicolons, en dash, em dash, colon, comma, and period are important punctuation marks 6. Every dialogue deserves a new paragraph and their punctuations can come with it own rules like the punctuation mark stays inside the quotations 7. A scene is a scene not the whole story. Don't waste all your pages writing just a scene of a story simply because you want to be perfect. Always remember you're writing a draft not a final piece you want to publish right away.  8. Clichés are fast becoming universally boring. You're a writer not a clown. Readers are ti

Let's Start With Introduction

Are you a creative writer and you want to better your craft?  Are you stuck on this big idea of yours and you need someone to hear you out?  Do you need tips on how to become an indispensable writer?  Or you just want to scale to producing best-selling books?  Then jump on this little piece of advice; start listening to The GhostPen Project. What we do at The GhostPen Project: 1. Release new podcasts every Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays 2. Help creatives source for muse to write and produce awesome contents 3. Dish out writing tips, help navigate writers’ block, virtually help you walk through the writing process 4. Interviews with awesome contemporary writers and poets 5. Do books and poems reviews 6. Promote writers and the creative community generally. To be a part of this beautiful experience, send us a mail via Check out our blog for podcast summaries, writing tips, and new insights to the creative world:  C